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€ 106,00
EAN-13: 9780567205513
Jason M. Silverman
Persepolis and Jerusalem. Iranian Influence on the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 106,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents Table of Contents Table of Figures and Illustrations Preface Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Prolegomena: Iran, the Apocalypses, and Influence - Introit - History of Iranian Influence - Apocalyptic Studies - Types of Influence and Transmission I: The Iranian Sources: Religion and Royal Ideology - Introduction - Evidence from Classical Authors - Religious Situation in Iran  - Persian Archaeology and Royal Ideology - Summary II: The Achaemenid Context - Babylonia - Media and Iranian Lands - Egypt - Palestine - Royal Road and Royal Mail Summary - Excursus: Elam and Eastern Iran in Anšan - Several Theological and Sociological Affinities III: The Media of Influence: Orality, Literacy, and Interaction - Importance of Orality and its Role in Influence  -Importance of Interiorization for Apocalyptic  -Implications for Investigation of Influence IVa: Textual Analyses, Biblical Literature - Ezekiel 37:1–14 - Ezekiel 38–39 - Daniel 2 - Excursus: On the Watchers IVb: Textual Analyses, Enochic Literature - Book of Watchers (1–36) - Book of Parables/Similitudes (37–71) - Birth of Noah Fragment (106–107) - Conclusion V: An Apocalyptic Hermeneutic - Introit: The Proposal - Hermeneutics: Re-Interpretation and Application of Traditions - The Apocalyptic Hermeneutic’s Blueprint - Reconstructing the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic (with an Eye towards Iran) - Conclusions Metalegomena Appendix I: Primary Sources Appendix II: Glossary of Iranian Terms Appendix III: Annotated Definitions Bibliography

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€ 65,00
EAN-13: 9780567139481
Clough David
On animals. Volume 1 Systematic Theology
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012
Collana:T & T Clark Theology
Info disponibilitàDisponibile subito (1 copia)
Prezzo di acquisto€ 65,00
DescrizioneThis volume is a project in systematic theology: a rigorous engagement with the Christian tradition in relation to animals under the doctrinal headings of creation, reconciliation and redemption and in dialogue with the Bible and theological voices central to the tradition. The book shows that such engagement with the tradition with the question of the animal in mind produces surprising answers that challenge modern anthropocentric assumptions. For the most part, therefore, the novelty of the project lies in the questions raised, rather than the proposal of innovative answers to it. The transformation in our thinking about animals for which the book argues results in the main from looking squarely for the first time at the sum of what we are already committed to believing about other animals and their place in God’s creation.

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€ 100,00
EAN-13: 9780567324177
Peter Lampe
New Testament Theology in a Secular World. A Constructivist Work in Philosophical Epistemology and Christian Apologetics
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 100,00
Descrizione  New Testament Theology in a Secular World is an important and original new work in Christian apologetics. It is the first book to apply constructivist theory to biblical studies. Biblical Studies scholar Peter Lampe tackles head on such questions as: What do we understand by “reality?” How does this relate to what theology calls the “reality of God” or the “reality of resurrection?” How can we account for the concept of "revelation"? Lampe argues that in talking about “reality” theologians must make an effort to engage with the concept of “reality” as it is discussed in the fields of philosophical epistemology and sociology of knowledge. However, as Lampe shows, Theology has so far hardly or only reluctantly participated in this dialogue.  

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€ 61,00
EAN-13: 9780567410856
Alan J. Spence
Justification: A Guide for the Perplexed
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 61,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents 1.      Justification as the doctrine of salvation of the Western Church.2.      The widespread belief in divine judgement as the context in which such a doctrine flourished historically.3.      The expectancy of final judgement in the New Testament community.4.      The doctrine of justification in Augustine and the Medieval Church5.      The doctrine of justification in Luther and the Lutherans.6.      The doctrine of justification in Calvin and the Reformed Church.7.      The doctrine of justification in the Council of Trent and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.8.      The doctrine of justification in Barth9.      The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification10.  Tom Wright and the New Perspective.11.   Re-reading the Pauline texts. Conclusion.  A doctrine of justification today

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€ 92,00
EAN-13: 9780567604897
Sean Michael Ryan
Hearing at the Boundaries of Vision. Education Informing Cosmology in Revelation 9
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 92,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Greek Encyclical EducationChapter 3: Graeco-Roman CosmologiesChapter 4: Hearer-Construct One (HC1)Chapter 5: Hearer-Construct Two (HC2)Chapter 6: Victorinus, Tyconius and Oecumenius 7: Conclusion

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€ 92,00
EAN-13: 9780567401489
David P. Moessner
Paul and the Heritage of Israel. Paul's Claim upon Israel's Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 92,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents I.Re-figuring Paul/Philipp Vielhauer, On the ‘Paulinism’ of Acts/Robert Morgan, Survey of Luke and Paul relationships in German and Anglo-Saxon scholarship from WW I to the present/Daniel Marguerat, Paul after Paul. A (hi)story of Reception/Christopher Mount, Reconstructing the Religion of Paul/Michael Wolter, From a Religion of Conversion to a Religion of Tradition/II. The Figure and Legacy of Paul in the Book of Acts/Richard Hays, The Paulinisms of Acts Intertextually Reconsidered/Daniel Marguerat, Paul and the Torah in the Book of Acts/Michael Wolter, Jesus’ Death and the Forgiveness of Sins in Luke and Paul/Simon Butticaz, The Salvation of Israel in Acts: Narrative Claim of a Pauline Legacy/Jens Schroeter, Paul as a Model of Christian Witness/David Moessner, Paul: Luke’s ‘Witness of Witnesses’/III. The Pauline Figure of Acts Inside the Pauline Legacy/Gregory Sterling, From ‘Apostle to the Gentiles’ to ‘Apostle of the Church’/Andreas Dettwiler, The Function of the Figure of Paul in Colossians and Ephesians/Claire Clivaz, ‘Rumor’: A Concept to Link Self-portraits and Receptions of Paul/Jens Schroeter, Paul the Founder of the Church/YannRedalié, ‘Working with one’s hands’: One Model and Many Applications/Jean-François Landolt, The Conversion of Paul/Conclusion

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€ 84,00
EAN-13: 9780567033161
Helen Bond
The Historical Jesus: A Guide for the Perplexed
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 84,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents Introduction. Sources: Graeco-Roman, Jewish (especially Josephus), Christian (gospels and non-canonical literature).  Problems with historical Jesus research (nature of the gospels, bioi, Synoptics vs John, etc). Overview of scholarship on Jesus (the three quests and where we are now). 1: Origins. Where did Jesus come from? Problems with the birth stories. Galilee in recent research (how Jewish was it? relations with Jerusalem?).  Social status, family life, trade etc. 2: Ministry. This chapter will look at Jesus’ ministry in fairly broad terms: Jesus as follower of John the Baptist; models of 'holy men' in the ancient world, including Prophet (prophetic critique of rulers; symbolic action in Temple) and Messiah; its duration, geographical scope, etc.  3: Teaching. Centrality of the Kingdom of God; use of parables, I am sayings, wisdom sayings etc. Eschatology? Apocalyptic? How much is really historical? (note on Jesus Seminar). 4. Healing. Healers in the ancient world, magic, miracles as a manifestation of the kingdom. Attraction of women in particular to healers? 5: Trial and Execution. Why was Jesus arrested?  The parts played by Jewish ‘chief priests’, Caiaphas and Pontius Pilate.  Was there a trial? What was the charge?  ‘Prophecy historicised’. Was Jesus buried or eaten by dogs? Traditional sites. 6: Resurrection.  Problem of different gospel accounts.  Empty tomb traditions; women etc.  Paul (esp. 1Cor 15).  Effect on disciples etc. Later traditions (incl. Gospel of Peter). 7: The Jesus movement and the early Church. Continuity and discontinuity. Conclusion. The historical Jesus and his legacy.

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€ 64,00
EAN-13: 9780567650979
Stephen R. Holmes
Baptist Theology
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 64,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents 1. Who are the Baptists? Beginnings • The radical reformation: anabaptists and others • The English Puritan and Separatist movements • Amsterdam 1609 • General and Particular Baptists in the C17th • Baptists in the Evangelical Revivals 2. Who are the Baptists today? • The later development of British Baptist life • A brief history of Baptists in America • Oncken and European Baptist life • Baptists in the majority world • Baptists and 'baptistic' churches 3. The Baptist vision of the church • Believers' baptism • The local church at the heart of God's purpose (including anti-missions movements) • Congregational church government • The independence and interdependence of local congregations • The centrality of preaching and the place of the Lord’s Supper • Charismatic ecclesiology • Baptist primitivism 4. Christ is Lord, and the believer is free • Thomas Helwys and the plea for religious liberty • The Lordship of Christ as the foundation of religious liberty • Liberty and believers' baptism: a natural match • 'Soul competency': a different vision of liberty • E.Y. Mullens and the origin of the concept • Recent expressions of soul competency • Politics and religious liberty 5. God's desire to save • 'Every Baptist a missionary': Ocken and the wider missionary vision • Mission as a mark of the church • Hypercalvinism and the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society • God's covenant of salvation • Paul Fiddes: the recovery and development of the covenant theme in Baptist theology 6. The high calling of the Christian • 'Congregations of visible saints' • The practice of church discipline • Walking according to Christ’s rule: Baptist engagements with Scripture • Christian Ethics in Baptist perspective • Holiness beyond the congregation: the ‘social gospel’ and peacemaking. 7. Conclusion: a vision of Baptist theology

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€ 64,00
EAN-13: 9780567019479
Paul L. Allen
Theological Method: A Guide for the Perplexed
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 64,00
DescrizioneTheological Method: A Guide for the Perplexed is a book that introduces the reader to the practice of doing theology. It provides a historical survey of key figures and concepts that bear on an understanding of difficult methodological issues in Christian theology. Beginning with a description of philosophical themes that affect the way theology is done today, it summarizes the various theological methods deployed by theologians and churches over two millennia of Christian thought. The book uncovers patterns in the theological task of relating biblical texts with beliefs and doctrines, according to historically conditioned theological and cultural priorities. The book’s highlights include a discussion of Augustine’s epoch-making De doctrina Christiana. Also receiving close attention is the relationship between philosophy and theology during the Middle Ages, the meaning of sola scriptura for the Protestant Reformers, the methods of key interpreters of doctrine in the nineteenth century and the theological priorities of the ‘Radical Orthodoxy’ movement.

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€ 96,00
EAN-13: 9780567212948
John Webster
The Domain of the Word. Scripture and Theological Reason
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 96,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents Table of Contents/ Acknowledgments/ Preface/ Part One: Scripture: Chapter 1: The Domain of the Word/ Chapter 2: Resurrection and Scripture/ Chapter 3: Illumination/ Chapter 4: Witness to the Word: Karl Barth’s Lectures on the Gospel of John/ Chapter 5: Verbum mirificum. T. F. Torrance on Scripture and Hermeneutics/ Part 2: Theological Reason: Chapter 6: Biblical Reasoning/ Chapter 7: Principles of Systematic Theology/ Chapter 8: Theology and the Peace of the Church/ Chapter 9: Regina artium: Theology and the Liberal Arts/ Chapter 10: Curiosity/ Index

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€ 101,00
EAN-13: 9780567628947
Jon L. Berquist
Focusing Biblical Studies: The Crucial Nature of the Persian and Hellenistic Periods. Essays in Honor of Douglas A. Knight
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 101,00
DescrizioneTable of Contents 1. Introduction – Alice Hunt/Part I: History and Contexts/ 2. Another Look at the Tenth Commandment - Jack Sasson/3. The Origins of Judah - Philip Davies/4. Shechem Revisited: The Formation of Biblical Collective Memory - Neils P. Lemche/5. Persian Period Jerusalem and Yehud Rejoinders - Israel Finkelstein/6. Jackals and Ostriches Honoring God: The Zoological Gaze in the Isaiah Scroll - Ken Stone/Part II: Texts and History/7. Betraying the Text: Creation Narratives in Their and Our Context - Annalisa Azzoni/8. Judges as a Parody of Leadership in the Persian Period - Kristin Swanson/9. The Persian Period and the Shaping of the Prophetic Literature - Robert R. Wilson/10. 'Digging in the Claws.' Daniel 4 and the Predatory Nature of Empire - Deborah Appler/11. Ruth and Esther as Models for the Formation of God’s People: Engaging Liberationist Critiques - Cheryl B. Anderson/12. Reading Persian Dominion in Nehemiah:Multivalent Language, Co-option, Resistance, and Cultural Survival - Herbert R. Marbury/13. The Journey from Voluntary to Obligatory Silence (Reflections on Psalm 39 and Qoheleth) - James Crenshaw/14. How Do Extrabiblical Sociopolitical Data Illuminate Obscure Biblical Texts?: The Case of Ecclesiastes 5:8-9 [Heb. 5:7-8] - Norman Gottwald/15. The Chronicler Buries Saul - Jennifer L. Koosed/16. The Conservatism of Pseudo-Solomon - David Penchansky/17. Was the Judaism of the Dead Sea Scrolls a Mystery Religion? - Peter J. Haas/Conclusion : The Future Focus of Biblical Studies - Jon L. Berquist

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€ 93,00
EAN-13: 9780567040459
Mervyn Davies
Christianity and the Disciplines. The Transformation of the University
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 93,00
DescrizioneThis volume will show how various intellectual disciplines (most found within the modern university) can learn from theology and philosophy in primarily methodological and substantitive terms. It will explore the possible ways in which current presuppositions and practices of the displine might be challenged. It will also indicate the possibilities of both a "Christian Culture" in relation to that discipline or the way in which that discipline might look within a real or theoretical Christian university.

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€ 25,00
EAN-13: 9780567033178
Helen K. Bond
The Historical Jesus. A Guide for the Perplexed
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 25,00

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€ 25,00
EAN-13: 9780567377234
Chris Keith | Antony Le Donne
Kesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2012

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 25,00

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€ 92,00
EAN-13: 9780567028518
Heskett Randall
Bible as a Human Witness to Divine Revelation vol. 469
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011
Collana:Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, The

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 92,00

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€ 75,00
EAN-13: 9780567649485
Grabbe Lester L.
Israel in Transition 2 vol. 521
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011
Collana:Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, The

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 75,00

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€ 75,00
EAN-13: 9780567181411
Lovell George
Sustaining Preachers and Preaching
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 75,00

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€ 64,00
EAN-13: 9780567410627
Jonker Louis
Historiography and Identity (Re)formulation in Second Temple Historiographical Literature vol. 534
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011
Collana:Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, The

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 64,00

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€ 69,00
EAN-13: 9780567047366
Wolfe Judith
C.S. Lewis and the Church
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 69,00

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€ 81,00
EAN-13: 9780567214324
Bergen Jeremy M.
Ecclesial Repentance
Edizione:T & T Clark International, 2011

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 10-15 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 81,00

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